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Halfass to Badass Podcast

Oct 28, 2021

Maybe you’ve felt the changes in the world impacting your life in more ways than one... Maybe you’ve stopped to think about WHO is important to you... Maybe you’ve reevaluated what really matters in your life...

This is our way of inspiring ALL of us to live more, to unite and be in charge of our lives. Share this with those who are important to you and remind them you care about them.


What you focus on and where you spend your time, what you accomplish or fail to accomplish will be determined by the peers you choose.

I often say, “You’re either influencing or being influenced.” There is no in between. In other words, every moment you’re interacting with the world, you’re either influencing the thoughts, emotions and behaviors of others or they are influencing you.

Which is WHY you want to select and pick a peer group, be part of a community that both supports and challenges you. Supports you to live in alignment with your values so you can express who you are more fully, and challenge you, inspire you to grow and expand to your next level of living. 

It’s a natural part of evolution to want to grow and become more. Nobody wants to shrink, minimize or devalue who they are.

Unless we’ve been living under a rock, we can all agree that the world has changed. I’m sure you have felt it, right? I know I have.

Just a few minutes of conversation between us will reveal to me the narrative you’ve been consuming. If you have let fear or inspiration dictate your world. If you’re reactive or proactively creating your future.

What are you watching? Who are you listening to?

Fear will cripple you. Fear will compromise your immune system. Fear will have you abandon your dreams if you let it.

Sometimes life and business can be a very lonely road. And if you’re trying to grow a business, create financial stability or build a healthy mind and body you want to be able to share those thoughts, struggles and opportunities with people who care. The right people who want to listen and give you NEW perspectives that make you grow and move you closer to your vision.