Nov 3, 2021
Transcription: In my early twenties I made a very important decision. It was a pivotal moment. It’s one of those moments that changes your life.
I decided to not end my life. I decided to live.
Maybe your life didn’t make such drastic turns or maybe it’s been worse. Either way, I decided I wanted to be in charge of my life and I didn’t want to be confined to a boxed life and live according to other people’s norms.
I wanted to pave my own path. I wanted to create a life on my terms, not a life that was dictated to me by the limitations of others.
I wanted to earn as much as I wanted and not be limited by the value someone else put on me. I wanted to use my energy, my skills and my expertise based on my values and what inspired me. I wanted to help people my way.
I chose the entrepreneurial life. Being an entrepreneur has not been an easy life, but easy is also not the goal. In fact when you search for an easy life you will be faced with a life full of challenges. Not any kind of challenge but painful challenges… (also known as problems)
On the other hand, when you seek out challenges that inspire you will be supported and life takes on a whole new meaning. This is how you grow a meaningful and inspiring life.
The mistake the average person makes that separates many entrepreneurs is that they are not looking to avoid problems. They understand that problems are a part of life. And problems are there to be solved.
Every problem carries with it it’s counterpart solution. There’s no problem without a solution, just like there is no solution without a problem. Every problem births a new solution and every solution births a new problem.
That is what real business and entrepreneurship is all about… solving truly difficult problems that add real value to customers.
When you learn to love this natural evolution of life, nothing beats owning your own successful business and being in charge of your life.
Why did you choose the career path or business you’re in today?